Informal worship services are held each week at 10:30 am followed usually by morning tea.


Early settlers held church services in private homes, but services moved to the school building after it was completed in 1922 and then transferred to the American River Hall.

The current church was officially opened on 9 January 1966. Its unusual architecture led to its listing by the South Australian Chapter of the Australian Institute of Architects as a significant example of twentieth century architecture. Later side rooms were added, funded through the fundraising activities of the women’s group.


For ecumenical activities please visit Kingscote’s page here.


Life Group, fortnightly on a Wednesday, 2pm.

Life groups are small groups generally held in people’s homes providing the opportunity to explore the Bible in depth and apply it to daily life. Groups meet weekly but may have breaks over the holidays.

Contact details for Life Group at American River

Vicki Thompson: 8553 7443